Is Communism Really the Same as “Caring is Sharing”?

By | 2019-03-27T00:38:54+00:00 March 27th, 2019|Tai's Blog|Comments Off on Is Communism Really the Same as “Caring is Sharing”?

(I gave my mom a scare because I did this part of my history presentation in Russian and provided this first paragraph as a “translator handout.” Drama and history all in one.)

Communism and Why It is Fool Proof by Karl Marx, Sponsored by Vladamire Ilych Ulyvanov (Lenin)

Excuse my English, for I am Russian. Russia is a very peaceful nation, and is also the biggest nation. Today, soon-to-be comrades, I will talk to you about my new way of life, communism. Yes, bratuha, yes sestra, communism is just caring is sharing. In this new and improved nation, we will all share under great Lenin’s rule. It is evidently food proof and the key to our propserity. Questions? Fantastika! Now that we are ready to start our new country, there are a few rules. Defect, and I kill you. Tell anybody, I kill your ally and I kill you. I have a special agency that Lenin is creating that rivals that of the Brits! We call it KGB! It will make all this possible. It will last until the end of time and we will sit on top of the world! Now that we have the rules out of the way, let me show you the rest…

Communism History

Communism is a political concept first put into action in Russia in 1923. It was first created by a man named Karl Marx, a political theorist who didn’t like capitalism. He wanted to create a classless, government-controlled society in which everything is shared equally. He loved to write books and find problems in Capitalism, so he wrote a book that would change everything. This book is called the Communist Manifesto. He suggested that all people should have equal things. He suggested that we in Capitalism are flawed and discriminate against the poor or non-working, which he would like to call the free. He proposed that we all should have a home, car, and education, and while most of us do, some of us do not. Communism would have made life fair.

What started in Russia as Lenin’s October Revolution, soon spread throughout the globe in places like China and Cuba.

Communism Concept

According to Marx, communism proposed a better, more fair world – a world of equals. This world would be perfect and no one would have more than the next. There would be no poor and no wealthy. There would be no middle class. All people would be equal. Communism seemed to be the perfect ideology in the eyes of Marx. This better world would see no starvation, no famine, no one without water, no one without home or education. Marx wanted this plan to be set in stone and be the passageway to a better world. Communism is the key to a perfect life where there is no failure or unemployment or sickness or premature death. It seemed almost too good to be true.

Communism Failure

It turns out it was too good to be true. As always, there was some unforeseen consequences of communism – REALITY. You see, we humans like to exploit ideas for personal gain. Some of us want to elevate ourselves. With communism, everyone is equal. Life gets routine. Nobody is poor, nobody is rich. Nobody wants to work harder because there’s no point. You just do what the state demands, and that’s it. The main problem with communism is that it doesn’t provide the opportunity for humans to elevate or satisfy their desire for more. All communism does is provide for everyone’s basic needs. But it doesn’t take into account that we have wants, too. We want to evolve and grow. You can’t rise in a communist system. You can’t even escape the day to day routine dictated by the government. That’s not freedom. 

Communism makes life meaningless, in a sense. If everyone works, then why would I have to? Said most everybody. The economy would then topple from no one working. Black markets and corruption are common in communist governments. The Great Leaders in communist governments at the top of the regime don’t live as equals to the people. They live in the same great wealth and luxury as the former leaders at the top of the capitalist system. They just prevent anyone else from rising up and doing more with their life. That always fails in the end because we have a natural tendency to want to rise. Capitalism is the only system where you can do this.




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