We’re Still Free…is there a message in 1984?

By | 2020-08-24T22:27:45+00:00 August 24th, 2020|Tai's Blog|Comments Off on We’re Still Free…is there a message in 1984?

We read George Orwell’s 1984 in homeschool right before COVID-19 hit. I wrote a blog about it back in early February, but my mom was too busy to post it and she was just getting ready to publish the backlog of writing and asked me to re-evaluate my thoughts in light of what has happened since the lockdown. Definitely, a lot has changed. Here are my thoughts now and my reflection of the book. 

The 1984 government was portrayed as a tyrannical  force that had total control of the people. It was reminiscent of the former Soviet Union, or the current Republic of China. It was oppressive and Orwell was warning us of totalitarianism. But is it similar to our modern day government in the US…or are we headed that way?

The United States is described as the land of the free. We’re a sovereign nation, and currently, the most powerful nation in the world. We have the biggest military budget in the world, not to mention many powerful allies such as Japan, Germany, Britain, Canada, and Australia. But is it an evil regime?

I thought the 1984 Government and the US Government had a few things in common when I read this book before the lockdown. They both have a strong military presence. They both have a working class-based economy, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. But these are only some of the very few things they have in common.

I thought they have more differences than qualities in common earlier this year. Though they both have strong militaries, the 1984 government uses theirs to instill fear in the people. The current American government uses its military to protect the people. The American people are allowed to speak their heart, while the people in 1984 aren’t even allowed to think their mind. They have more differences than similarities. 

But now that we’ve been through a pandemic, some things are becoming more Orwellian. The government tells us it’s for our protection. The role propaganda plays in the media has become more obvious. We’re moving toward total digital surveillance. We have to be careful and aware. We can’t give total control to the government.  For now, it’s for our safety. But when this passes, will authoritarianism stay in place because it’s what we’re used to now?

In conclusion, the USA is still a free country, unlike Oceania in 1984. As the American people are free, we also have a responsibility to ensure we remain free so we can remain the greatest country in the world. 


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