By | 2019-03-19T21:19:49+00:00 March 19th, 2019|Jei's Blog|Comments Off on WHAT IT’S LIKE TO LIVE IN THE WOODS

Some people ask me “What is it like to live in the woods?”

The truth is, I really like it most of the time. I like living in the woods because I’m surrounded by nature and wildlife, it’s quiet and isolated, and I can do a lot of fun things like ride my dirtbike and ATV, light firecrackers, shoot my BB gun, and make fires in my firepit. I like being surrounded by plantlife and wildlife. I like seeing lots of deer around me. I love being able to see so many stars in the sky at night because it’s so dark. I can fall asleep so easily with the crickets chirping in the woods. It’s so quiet, there are hardly any other people and we rarely see cars. The only sounds I can hear are bugs, birds and wildlife.Sometimes we get visits from beagles that are out hunting for rabbits. Some people don’t like living out in the middle of the woods because our Wifi is not good, but there is so much more to do that doesn’t require Wifi like hunting, fishing, going for walks and just messing around outside, sitting by the campfire, making food and just talking.


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