Washington D.C. as My Classroom

By | 2019-06-05T17:07:09+00:00 June 5th, 2019|Tai's Blog|Comments Off on Washington D.C. as My Classroom

Two months ago, my family and I went to Washington D.C. I’ve been all over the world and have been to many nation’s capitals, but I think Washington D.C. is one of the most fascinating and amazing places I have ever been. I learned so much about American history and the formation of our country, one of the biggest world superpowers.

Washington D.C. was named after our nation’s first president, George Washington, right after  winning our independence from Britain in the American Revolution and forming our new independent country.

We did a lot of sightseeing, went all over the place, and even did an American History tour for homeschool. We also did a walking ghost tour of Washington D.C. and even that turned into an American History lesson.

We saw the Washington Monument, the White house, and the Capitol building. We  even got to see the Pentagon. We went into the National Archives and saw the Declaration of Independence, one of the most important artifacts of our United States history. In the National Archives, we also got to see the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. We weren’t allowed to take pictures in that room in order to protect the original paper of these document. We saw the Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial, as well as the Marine Memorial and Vietnam Memorial. Those were important to me because my grandfather is a former Marine and served in the Marine Corps for thirty years and was in Vietnam. He lost his cousin in Vietnam, and we found his name on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

We also went to the National Air and Space Museum, which was really cool. We went during the Cherry Blossom Festival and saw cherry blossoms everywhere, which was beautiful. We learned about America’s friendship with Japan, which also felt very relevant to me and my heritage.

My family walked all around the city and had some fantastic food. I was fascinated by the architecture, and how they adopted the ancient Greek style of architecture for the government buildings. There were so many buildings that were a couple hundred years old and many were owned by many famous revolutionary war heroes such as George Washington. Overall, it was an excellent trip and I learned a lot.

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