The Real Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Nimrod

By | 2018-10-22T20:31:28+00:00 August 31st, 2018|Tai's Blog|Comments Off on The Real Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Nimrod

Tankfest, Salisbury, England 2016

I’m obsessed with the SAS because I love playing Rainbow Six Siege. This video game is focused on counter terrorism and was inspired by the Iranian Embassy Siege and Operation Nimrod.

The game is what got me interested in the SAS. Also, my dad is from Kington in Hereford, where the Special Air Services Headquarters are located. We pass by the base every time we go to my dad’s home village in England.

A couple years ago, my Uncle Steve in England took me to Tankfest and introduced me to a buddy of his – a guy named Bob. Bob was one of the SAS guys who was in the Iranian Embassy Siege. I didn’t know much about the SAS or Operation Nimrod back them. I’m so salty that I was more interested in jumping on the trampoline than talking to a true national hero. But I’m sure I’ll have a chance to meet him again.  

Tai and Jei at Tankfest

Anyway, on to Operation Nimrod…the Real Rainbow Six Siege (or at least the inspiration for the game)

April 30 to May 5, 1980 was 6 days not to forget. The Iranian embassy was taken over by six armed gunman. 26 people were taken hostage, as well as a police officer. The gunman wanted over 80 Arab prisoners to be released. The British government denied this because Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Britain at the time wanted to make an example that Britain was not to be messed with by terrorists and the siege continued. The gunmen released some hostages in exchange for food and water. After 2 hostages were killed, the Government decided they would send in the SAS, the best special forces in the world, to neutralize the gunmen. They sent 30-35 SAS soldiers to suppress and kill the gunmen. With only two hostages killed and the rest saved, it was a miracle. All the gunmen but one lay in unmarked graves in London. The only surviving gunman rots in jail.

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