The Best Day Ever

By | 2018-10-30T20:26:28+00:00 October 30th, 2018|Jei's Blog|4 Comments

I love fishing. In Orlando, I used to fish in our neighborhood lake every day after school and on the weekends. I was supposed to go deep sea fishing in Hilton Head when we went on Mother’s Day weekend. I never got to go because I got bit by a shark. That was definitely not fun. I never got to go deep sea fishing. Since the shark bite, I haven’t been able to do much because my arm has been healing. I didn’t do any kind of fishing for six long months, so I was ready to go fishing by the time we went to Scotland. I couldn’t go fishing since I got bit, but I think it’s cool that the first time I got to go fishing again it was for trout in the Highlands.

When we went to Scotland, what I wanted to do more than anything was go fishing. I saw people fishing in Alaska on videos and really wanted to fish in Alaska. I realized that Alaska and Scotland probably had the same kind of fish, like salmon, trout and pike, so I wanted to go fishing in Scotland. My mom booked a fishing day with You Fish Scotland.

We were going to see all kinds of places and interesting things on our trip, like Edinburgh, Loch Ness, Isle of Skye, London, Bournemouth, the New Forest, the beaches of Normandy, World War 2 museums, castles, chapels and other historic places. But what I was most looking forward to was fishing in Scotland because I love fishing and it had been too long since I went fishing.

The night before we went fishing, I was so excited. We had to wake up early, but I woke up with no problem because I was so excited. I had been looking forward to it for months. It was cold and rainy that morning.

Our fishing guide, Wes, picked us up in his truck and drove us to his loch, which is a Scottish lake. Then he took us to his fishing cabin and got me all decked out in waders, boots and fishing gear. He made me a hot cocoa, and then we were ready to fish. At first we tried fly fishing. I was a little disappointed at first because I couldn’t catch a fish fly fishing. It was really challenging. My brother, Tai, reeled in a trout when he was fly fishing and it looked really hard. I’m glad I got the chance to try fly fishing for the experience, but I realized that I am better with a bait caster.

Wes took me out on the loch in his boat so that I could fish with a bait caster. I caught one big trout out on the boat. It was the best day ever. I couldn’t believe how slimy the trout was when I held it for my mom to take a picture. After we brought the boat back, I caught another trout from the dock. I caught a total of two trout that day, and my brother caught one. I always catch one just ONE more fish than Tai. An example is yesterday when we went fishing in Mr. George’s lake. Tai caught three bluegill and I caught three bluegill and one bass. It’s kind of a thing that always happens.

Fishing with Wes was so much fun. Going out on the loch was fun. Playing with Wes’s dogs, Buddy and Harry, was fun. They were really cute. I ate smoked cheese and nice soup for lunch. Dad catching the same branch over and over again was funny.

Me, Wes & Tai

Wes was really nice and funny. I’d like to go back and fish with him. I feel like I made a lifelong friend that day. Wes gave me a pen that looks like a bullet. I was so excited that night after fishing that I couldn’t even go to sleep because I kept thinking about how great the day was. It was the best day of our whole trip. I had been looking forward to going fishing in Scotland for months and it was as great as I thought it was going to be. If you ever go to Scotland, go fishing with Wes at You Fish Scotland. It was so much fun.

I love Scotland. One day, I want to move there and live there. I want to buy a loch and do what Wes does – take people out fishing. I have to practice fishing more. I should specialize in all types of fishing. I need to learn to fly fish. It’s really challenging. I am going to practice in Mr. George’s lake sometime.


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  1. Wes October 30, 2018 at 8:34 pm

    Awesome. A great read that melts my heart.missong the wee man!

    • Tonya November 5, 2018 at 10:48 pm

      Glad you enjoyed it, Wes. He non-stop talks about this day. Can’t wait to do it again.

  2. Andrew Nicholson October 31, 2018 at 5:34 am

    Awesome indeed 🙂

    • Tonya November 5, 2018 at 10:49 pm

      Thanks, Andy! Glad you enjoyed it! Tai just published his blog about Culloden today!

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