My Trip to Hereford with Granddad

By | 2019-02-26T20:48:24+00:00 February 26th, 2019|Tai's Blog|Comments Off on My Trip to Hereford with Granddad

My family and I went to the U.K. for a month to spend time with my dad’s side of the family. We met on the south coast, where my aunt and cousins live and where my nan (English for grandmother) is in a care home. While we were staying in the New Forest, on the south coast of England, my granddad made a trip up to Hereford because he lives there. He knew I loved the SAS, the Special Air Service, a special forces unit of the British Army, so he asked if I wanted to come with him to the hometown of the SAS. I accepted in a heartbeat. So we took the trip.

Hereford is in the midlands of England, near the border of Wales. When we got up to Hereford, the atmosphere changed. It immediately felt as you would think be next to the world’s most elite special forces. We knew it was there yet all we could see was a couple of buildings and a double layer fence with two armed guards. It was exactly what I expected and yet it was surprising. There were military helicopters flying around the base and it was definitely military, but they kept it as civilian looking and discreet as possible. My granddad took me to St. Martin’s Church, the final resting place of many SAS soldiers, who made the ultimate sacrifice. We also went to go get a gas mask and I also got a swiss made knife, which is the second best knife I’ve ever used. This was one of the best days.

St. Martin’s Church, Hereford

The SAS have and continue to lead many of the best special forces around the world. They work with GSG 9, GROM, GIGN, the Navy Seals, and many more to secure a better and terror free world. Although the SAS work miracles, I would like to thank the men and women who do it everyday, the US and British militaries work to secure a better future every day and I thank those in the military and those who have already served. Thank you for not only risking your life for others but, for securing a better and safer future for children like me. You have truly made a huge and everlasting difference to the world.


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