Hunting in Scotland

By | 2019-06-26T19:47:33+00:00 June 26th, 2019|Tai's Blog|Comments Off on Hunting in Scotland

 My family loved Scotland so much we decided to go again! We’ve been to Scotland three times in nine months. We went for the first time in September, then again in February and this last trip in May. We’ve experienced three seasons already in Scotland!

Hunting in Scotland

Mr. David, Buddy and Me

Our most recent trip to Scotland consisted mostly of spending time with family friends, Wez and Roz. On one of our first days, I was invited to go hunting with our good friend Wez’s friend, who he trusted very much. His name was David. He has hunted in Scotland and had access to land that I thought was amazing, yet it was his everyday life. We hunted in the Highlands near Inverness and it was beautiful. We didn’t sit in a deer stand. I saw a lot of sheep. Hunting in Scotland is much different from hunting South Carolina, yet similar in rules. Still the same safety rules and firearms, but different environment and tracking system. It is harder to acquire a firearm in Scotland, but in Scotland they do not use a tagging system. I don’t actually know how they register deer. Mr. David told me, but I forgot. I learned many things about Scottish hunting laws, and while I didn’t kill any deer, it was an amazing experience which has become one of my favorite memories by far. I must also thank my brother, Jei, because me and Jei did a jeopardy like game of questions, to see who would get the opportunity to go hunting. While he completely decimated me, he still let me go hunting because he wanted to kill his first deer in South Carolina with his grandfather. Although he was sad that he didn’t get to go, he still wanted to get his first kill with his Papa. Wez took Jei to shoot deer with a camera instead. I also got to do a lot of fishing and kayaking at Wez’s loch. The weather was beautiful and we really enjoyed it. 

Fly fishing

My catch – a nice trout!


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