By | 2019-10-07T21:39:57+00:00 October 7th, 2019|Jei's Blog|1 Comment

We recently went on a Disney Cruise to Alaska. One of the stops on the cruise was in Ketchikan, Alaska. Since I have wanted to go fishing in Alaska for years, we booked a fishing boat to take us on a salmon fishing excursion. 

Getting help holding my heavy salmon

We set out into the sea and within a few minutes, I caught the first fish. It was a silver salmon and it was huge. It was a trophy fish. That fish was so super heavy that I couldn’t even hold it very well to take a picture with it. The salmon swallowed the hook, so it bled a lot. There was blood everywhere. When we got back on the dock, we weighed the fish and my salmon weighed 17 pounds. I learned that if I had caught it on the day of the salmon derby, I would have won $10,000 because my fish was four pounds bigger than the fish that won!

This fish is heavy!

My salmon weighed in at 17 lbs!

My brother caught the second fish. He caught a pink salmon which is a different type of salmon than mine. I caught a silver. A pink salmon is good for smoked salmon which my dad loves, so he was very happy about that. When my brother caught a trout in Scotland last year, he fought with it for 15 minutes to reel it in while fly fishing. The salmon he caught was a little bigger than that trout.

My dad caught a regular sized silver salmon. There isn’t much to say, except he was happy because whenever my brother Tai or I catch fish, my dad take pictures with them and says he caught them. He thinks its funny. Yeah, ha ha. (If you couldn’t tell, that was sarcastic.) This was the first time he actually caught a fish that he could say he caught.

My mom caught a shark. She said it was REVENGE for the shark that attacked me last year on Mother’s Day. We cut the line so we didn’t get any pictures with it, but I did get it on video. It was a tiny shark so it wasn’t like a great white or anything. My mom was happy. Last time we went fishing in Scotland, she caught the biggest trout out of all of us.

We got to keep our fish. They cleaned and fileted all the fish. They smoked Tai’s fish and processed my dad’s and my silver salmon raw, and then put them in one pound bags and shipped them on ice. I  am looking forward to eating some good shiojake.

Our fish arrived last week!

In all, it was a lot of fun and I would love to go back again one day. I would highly recommend Alaska to anyone who has never been. Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you enjoyed it. 

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One Comment

  1. Papa October 8, 2019 at 1:28 am

    Great Job Jei.

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