A Total Harry Potter Holiday

By | 2019-06-26T19:17:37+00:00 June 26th, 2019|Jei's Blog|Comments Off on A Total Harry Potter Holiday

Last month we went to Scotland, Amsterdam and London. One of my favorite parts of the trip that I looked forward to for a long, long time was visiting Harry Potter Studios just outside of London in Watford. It’s the largest permanent movie studio of its kind in the world! The whole trip was a bit about Harry Potter because we did a Harry Potter Walking Tour in Edinburgh and saw the places J.K. Rowling wrote the book in cafes like the Elephant Bar. We also saw the inspiration for Thomas Riddle and Professor McGonagall at a cemetary where there were gravestones of that name. We also went to Glencoe and stayed at the Clachaig Inn, where Hagrid’s Hut was filmed. We got to ride the Jacobite Steam Train from Fort William to Mallaig, across the Glenfinnan Viaduct and it was just like the ride to Hogwarts! Before we went to the studios, we stopped at the actual King’s Cross station in London and checked out Platform 9 3/4.

Hogwart’s Express

The Headmaster’s Office and Professor Dumbledore’s costume

The Harry Potter Studios was really cool because it was where all the Harry Potter movies were filmed, as well as Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them. When Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint were about my age they made the Harry Potter Studios their home for ten years, where they worked and studied and grew up. 

Platform 9 3/4, King’s Cross Station

Mr. Weasley’s car

When we first entered the studios, we walked through the Great Hall and saw all the costumes and props there. In fact, all throughout the studios, I got to see all the props and from all eight movies and I got to see all the green screens. I saw the whomping willow and Mr. Weasley’s car. I saw Hagrid’s motorcycle, which was technically Sirius Black’s motorcycle that he let Hagrid borrow to pick up Harry. I got to control Dobby with 3D animation. I got to see all the costumes and makeup and effects. It got to see Gringott’s Bank, the Gryffindor’s common room, the Headmaster’s office. I rode a train in the studios with a green screen behind us for the window. They photoshopped us into the Scottish Highlands and it was exactly what we saw in real life when we rode the Jacobite Steam Train in Scotland! We saw the cupboard beneath the stairs and actual scripts of the film. My brother and I got to drink really good butter beer and eat the best butter beer ice cream. I went through the Forbidden Forest. It was really cool. There was a button where I got to control the lightning. There was fog and spiders. We also saw Sirius Black as a dog – we got to see his animagus form. I saw Professor Snape’s potion room and his costume and wig. 

Enjoying a butter beer with my brother

Visiting Harry Potter Studios was very fun. I’m grateful and lucky to be able to visit places like this that bring it all to life. I felt very happy and excited that day. 

The Great Hall

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